If you've ever been shopping for a jacket, you've probably looked at the back and realized – wow, this jacket has no vents in the back, this jacket has a single vent, and this jacket has two.
Let's see what those vents are and what's the difference between the single, the double, and the no-vent suit jacket.
What is a Suit Jacket Vent?
What do I mean by vent?
In the back portion of the jacket, you've got openings. These openings are there to give a man room, to give a man flexibility, to give him a little bit of extra mobility, the ability to move, and that's the actual origin of the vent.
The first vent supposedly that came around was whenever a man started wearing a jacket on a horse.
And so, it has an equestrian background and they actually put the single vent right — it was a slit right down the back and you see this on jackets still. We look at an overcoat. It should have actually a slant right there in the center.
This was a really nice compromise because it gave a man versatility, but at the same time, it didn't allow a whole lot of — it kept warmth in. And so, it was very functional.
He could jump on a horse and the jacket would slide on both sides of the horse, and so, this worked very well.
Now, most of us are not riding horses day to day, so we don't have that need.
1. Single Vent Jacket
I still see it out there, but overall, it's my least favorite type of vent, and the reason being is it's the cheapest to manufacture.
Although most men can fit into it and it will work for most of them, it does really complement a very small number of builds.
The only build I feel that it really compliments is if you have a bit of a bubble butt, then you want to go for a single vent.
Otherwise, if you're short, if you're tall, if you're a large man, if you're a small man, I think that either a double vent or no vent is going to suit you better.
The single vent is also known as the American, then it was made popular by Brooks Brothers in their sack suits. Whenever I see a single vent again, it immediately signals to me that I think it's a little bit lower quality of a jacket and that's all I'm going to hit on.
I understand, by the way, that most jackets out there are single vents. I'm just saying if you have the option of going for a double or a no-vent jacket, then always give those a second look and don't be scared away.
2. No-Vent Jacket
Let's talk about the other one that a lot of men I think are frightened, but in fact they just don't know a whole lot about, and that's the no-vent jacket.
Now, this is more known as an Italian style in the sense of there are no vents, and this usually comes from a jacket that's very well-fitted, one that is made to fit a slimmer, more petite physique.
I think the no-vent looks great on smaller, petite men, or on short men who are a bit stout, and the reason being is it can wrap tighter around the torso and it can give you a more slimmer, more monochromatic profile. It just allows the eyes to go up and down and it makes you look slimmer.
A lot of guys are scared off by this because they think it takes away from the mobility, and it does. If you put your hands in your pockets and you have no vents, you're going to find the whole jacket rumples up.
I know that's not going to stop you, but if you like to put your hands in your trouser pockets, this is not going to be probably the jacket style for you.
3. Double Vent Jacket
The jacket style, which I think 80% of men should consider.
If you're at a custom clothier or if you're going to have something made to measure, or if you're at a higher end men's store, look for the double vent. I find that it transcends the best of all worlds.
The reason you don't see it out there much is it's the most expensive type of vent to manufacture because they've got to put two slits on the side. They've got to use a little bit of extra fabric, and these small things, the extra time, the extra fabric make it more expensive. Of course, most manufacturers don't do it.
It looks great even when you put your hand in your pocket and you've got this slit. It just looks better and you're not exposing basically your backside.
Try doing the same with a single vent. You put your hand in your pocket and all of a sudden, it slides open and you're basically — especially if you're wearing a navy jacket with, let's say, a pair of light colored trousers, all of a sudden, what does everyone see when they're behind you? Basically, your backside.
That's why I love the double vent. It does a better job of covering your backside and continuing and maintaining a long, streamlined look.
Some men also say that the line that's created over on the side can help make you look taller. Try it for your body build to see if it helps.
Also, you'll find that jackets made of this style can be a little bit longer as well, and this is great for taller men, not so much for short men, although they can have those jackets shortened.
I didn't mention, but with the Italian cut, that's another thing with the no-vent jackets, is they're usually just a little bit shorter, so that's another hidden benefit for those men that are probably south of 5'7″, 5'6″.
Now, again, the body type that wants to stay away from this – if you've got a build of a bubble butt, and the reason being it's going to almost flap out in the back like a tail and that's not what you want. In that case, you would go for the single vent in the back.
All right. Well, that's my overview of men's vents in suit, sport, and blazer jackets.
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