Stop Wasting Time

Proven Tips for Better Productivity

Make Time To Think

Making time is a priority. You’ve got to know what you want from your life. Where are you going? What is your purpose? So many people go through life like zombies – sleepwalking from day to day and not thinking about what they want to get out of life.

Time Management – Understand You Can’t Have It All

You can’t do everything so don’t even try. It’s just not possible. Attempting to do so will mean you’ll spread your time so thinly that you won’t be able to move forward in a meaningful way.

What's Important To You?

Let me be straight: most of you are lying to yourselves. I’m going to ask you: what do you not have time for? If you are looking for time management tips, you need to be honest with yourself. You may have to reevaluate and cut back your hours.

Cut Out The Fat

Conduct an audit on how you spend your time. Measure your time and you will be amazed at how much time you are wasting. Are you wasting your time watching TV? Or commuting to work? You need to identify these areas that are sucking your life away.

Set Up A Routine

Create a morning routine, a day routine and an evening routine. Have a series of steps and processes you follow. Once you have a process, you can improve upon that process. If you have no routine and do things hap-hazardly, you can’t improve them.

Just Get Started!

Stop procrastinating and take action! You must be strict with yourself and set yourself deadlines. In our personal lives, a lot of things don’t have deadlines so we procrastinate and we ‘dilly dally’ and don’t get things done.

Get An Accountability Partner

Don’t rely solely on yourself. I find that someone holding you accountable is an incredibly powerful technique for being productive – much more powerful than any other app out there.

 Schedule Everything

Don’t rely solely on yourself. I find that someone holding you accountable is an incredibly powerful technique for being productive – much more powerful than any other app out there.

Stop Giving Bad Time Estimates

 If you think it takes you 25 minutes to get to work, this is your best case scenario. You might find this takes you 30 / 35 / 40 minutes and that’s where the problem happens if you run into traffic.