How To Choose A Suit Color

#1 Navy Blue Suit

The number 1 and 2 rankings of suit color in this list may be interchangeable, especially in North America. Navy suits are ideal for the man who wants to fit in, known for what he can do and not for what he wears.

#2 Charcoal Gray Suit

A charcoal gray suit is one of the easiest when learning how to choose a suit color. When it comes to formality – this is adequate for work, church, weddings, funerals, or meeting the president.

#3 Cambridge/ Medium Gray Sui

It is not as formal as charcoal and navy. Having the three suits mentioned above will already make for a highly versatile wardrobe, especially if each suit had slight differences in the details that go into them.

#4 Light Gray Suit

This suit works well for spring, summer, and fall dressing.  The light gray suit is more casual. It is ideal to invest in one once a man has all of the “must-haves” in his wardrobe.

#5 Men's Black Suit

Black does not work for every skin type. A black suit works well for a man with a darker complexion and dark hair. A black suit is useful for the most formal of occasions, such as a black-tie event.

#6 Dark Brown Suit

A dark brown suit can work if a man has dark hair and a darker complexion. It can work for some blonds, redheads, and men with ruddier complexions. A dark brown suit can be effective in adding a little bit of color.

#7 Tan/Khaki Suit

They are more at home in warmer weather.  They are a solid choice for low contrast men as the lack of color won't overpower neutral features and allow you to wear pastels to more effect.

#8 True Blue Suit

Public personalities such as Prince William, Prince Harry, and Silvio Berlusconi have popularized them. A great option if you own close to a dozen suits and want something for weekends or events where a formal color isn't required.

#9 White Suit

Unless you're a major personality such as Tom Wolfe – who made the white suit his signature look –it will more often appear as odd. Therefore it can be ideal for white parties or when you have to make a major presentation and command everyone's attention.