Subtle Signs You’re MORE Attractive Than You Think

As humans, we tend to stare at things we find pleasurable – art, film, and other people. There are different eye contact levels – so don’t assume that every woman you lock eyes with is interested. Sometimes our eyes are just wandering around, and they coincidentally meet with someone else’s eyes.

#1 You Find Yourself Locking Eyes With Lots Of People

When someone raises their eyebrows, it usually means they are either surprised or caught off guard. If someone looks at you and subconsciously raises their eyebrows, it’s another one of the subtle signs you're attractive.

#2 Women Raise Their Eyebrows When They Look At You

In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.

#3 You Have a Growth Mindset

Following the idea that you’re successful, others naturally seek out the opinion of people like you. Women (or men) will naturally come to you for your thoughts because they want to emulate you and your success.

#4 People Value Your Opinion Over Others

Following the idea that you’re successful, others naturally seek out the opinion of people like you. Women (or men) will naturally come to you for your thoughts because they want to emulate you and your success.

#5 Others Go Out of Their Way To Help You

Why do you ask someone questions? The answer is simple – you want to get to know that person better. With over seven billion people globally, why on Earth would this beautiful woman be asking you so many questions?

#6 People Ask You A Lot of Questions

If you notice that more times than not, others are laughing at your jokes, you're probably attractive. Women are attracted to a good sense of humor in general and love when you smile. Don’t be afraid to smile and laugh with people – don’t laugh at people.

#7 Everyone Around You is Happy

Looking at you, people think that you have somehow avoided all the common male insecurities. This is why most people are surprised when you mention specific aspects of your appearance that you’re not happy with or want to change. But the truth is, everyone struggles with low self-esteem from time to time.

#8 People are Shocked That You Have Any Insecurities

This means you know there's more than one mode of attraction. It's not all about looks – it's multi-faceted. It also depends on how you sound and smell. In other words, there are three key factors that determine your attractiveness.

#9 You Understand Multimodal Attraction

Of course you can't always control, say, the way the environment smells – but you can control how you smell (please tell me you bathe regularly and use deodorant!). What you can also do is be confident, know what you stand for, and send your message with intention.

#10 You Know Practice Builds Confidence

The last of the signs you are an attractive guy? Understanding and owning your sense of style. A bit vague? Fear not, we're breaking it down for you. Here's a quick example: texture makes you more attractive. Wearing something textured, like a soft cashmere sweater, will make women want to come up and touch you.

#11 Owning Your Style