10 Things Guys Should Never Apologize For

#1 Never Apologize For Your Opinion

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and you are no exception. Don't let anyone tell you what to think. Stick to your guns! Just be prepared for criticism if you don't say sorry when others expect it (rightly or wrongly).

#2 Never Apologize For Saying “NO”

You can't help where you are born any more than you can't change your skin tone. Anything you have no control over is unfair to criticize you for. You can't change your background, you can't change your upbringing and you can't change your personality…so never apologize for them.

#3 Never Apologize For Where You Come From

You can't help where you are born any more than you can't change your skin tone. Anything you have no control over is unfair to criticize you for. You can't change your background, you can't change your upbringing and you can't change your personality…so never apologize for them.

#4 Never Apologize For Your Religion

Religion is deeply personal. Your faith is your own. You don't owe anyone an apology despite what others might think. There is no need to explain anything. Why let someone pry on an area of your life that is none of their business?

#5 Never Apologize For Your Life Philosophy

Everyone has a code of honor they live by. A set of core beliefs and values they keep in their heart. Some do this consciously and others unconsciously but everyone does it. If someone wants you to compromise on your core beliefs then you have no obligation to do it.

#6 Never Apologize For Telling The Truth

Don't misinterpret me here – if your wife asks if she looks good in a dress the answer is always yes! That's not what I'm talking about here. In more ethically ambiguous moments you should always feel free to give the unvarnished truth

#7 Never Apologize For Who You love

Maybe you love a woman your family doesn't approve of. Maybe you love another man. It doesn't matter. The heart wants what the heart wants. Don't give yourself heartache by trying to live for someone else instead of yourself.

#8 Never Apologize For Taking (Calculated) Risks

I took a big risk transitioning from the Marine Corps to becoming a custom clothier and men's style YouTuber. I knew men's style was a passion for me though and I wanted to see what happened if I pursued it. I knew there were risks but I also knew there were potential rewards.

#9 Never Apologize For Taking Care Of Yourself

We are taught on planes to apply our own oxygen masks before helping someone else with theirs. Why? Because if you pass out then neither of you will survive. You can't help other people if you are not in a place of strength.

#10 Never Apologize For Spending Money

Everyone loves a bargain. Not everything is worth skimping on though! If you can afford to save time by taking an express train then do it. Fresh and nutritious food might be pricier than processed fast food but it's not worth cheaping out on your health.