First Date Mood Killers

According To Real Women

Men Have It Harder


The shirt jacket comes in handy during autumn and the early stages of  winter. It’s technically a shirt but truly feels more like a jacket. Its  rugged look emphasizes masculinity – which makes it fitting for a  “tough guy” image.

My Ex Was Crazy


1. It shows that the man is still emotionally attached to his ex . 2. It makes the man seem like he's angry and bitter 3. Guys that do this appear to be a gossip, which is definitely not attractive.

I've Got To Go Soon


1. It shows that the man is still emotionally attached to his ex . 2. It makes the man seem like he's angry and bitter 3. Guys that do this appear to be a gossip, which is definitely not attractive.

The Service Here Sucks


Whether it's a slow service, the cold food, or the uncooperative waitstaff, complaining about it will only make you look negative and ungrateful

I Earn A lot Of Money


Talking about money is one of the big faux pas of any new relationship – be it friendly or romantic. It makes you seem  arrogant and materialistic – like your only goal in dating is to find  someone wealthy who matches your financial profile.

I Really Hate (Enter Race, Nationality or Gender)


IAny kind of racism/sexism is not okay.  Not only is it incredibly  offensive, but it also makes you seem like the sort of person who would  be a terrible partner in a long-term relationship.

You're Really Sexy


To you, this might seem  like a compliment. But in the eyes of a woman you've just met, it's  really just objectifying her and focusing on her looks rather than her  personality.

You Look Like My Mom


If you're trying to get to know someone new, it's best to leave the  topic of parents for later on down the line. After all, first dates are  supposed to be about getting to know each other, not your respective  parents.

I Don't Want Kids


It's not that women don't like men who are clear about what they want in  life, but on a first date, it's best to keep the focus on getting to  know each other. 

Can You Pay For This One? I Forgot My Wallet


Not only does this make you look cheap, but it also shows a lack of  respect. After all, you were the one who invited her out for a meal.