#1 Compliment Her! So, how to talk to women? Well, starting off a date with a great compliment immediately makes you seem kind, attentive, and considerate. It can lead to a great conversation and set up a whole evening for success.

#2 Tell A Joke According to Dawn Maslar: The  Neuroscience of Meeting, Dating, Losing Your Mind, and Finding True  Love, laughter “releases oxytocin, the ‘bonding hormone.’” A goofy pick-up line or a cheesy joke can be a great way to create a  comfortable, lighthearted atmosphere for the rest of the conversation.

#3 Find Common Ground Behavioral investigator and Science of People founder Vanessa Van  Edwards notes that this tip “can be modified to any kind of event.” For  example, if you’re approaching a beautiful woman at a party, you could  ask her, “How do you know the host?” That way, you can establish that you both have at least one person in common, and the conversation can progress from there.

#4 Notice Details A woman’s clothing can be a great jumping-off point for a conversation. If she’s wearing a shirt or hat with a sports logo, you can ask her if she’s a fan of that team. Complimenting a cool or quirky outfit shows you’re attentive in a sophisticated and attentive way, not creepy or lecherous.

#5 Invoke Pop Culture If you feel you have no confidence to talk to a girl, then bringing up current pop culture is an easy way to kick things off.  Comment or joke about something she’s probably familiar with. Recent streaming service shows, pop music, and reality TV shenanigans are all safe bets. Just remember to keep it lighthearted.

#6 Ask About Her Favorite Movie or TV Show When it comes to talking to women, start by sharing your personal favorite and then ask her about hers. “Lately, I have been addicted to  Money Heist – do you have a favorite Netflix series?” A woman’s favorite movie or series says a lot about her. It can hint at whether or not you two have compatible interests.

#7 Ask About Her Passions Start off by sharing something you like to do, and then ask her to pipe in. For example: “You know, I’ve been trying to learn Spanish lately. A  friend of mine showed me a really cool app called Duolingo, it’s way more fun than 8th-grade Spanish! What do you like to do in your free  time?”

#8 Avoid Mansplaining There's a critical caveat though — acting too knowledgeable can be a turnoff.  You may have heard of the term ‘mansplaining'. It essentially describes  a situation where a man grossly underestimates a woman’s intelligence  by explaining things she clearly already knows.

#9 Don't Talk About Your Ex Especially if you’re on a first date, bringing up past relationships is an instant conversation killer. It sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised how easy it is to accidentally mention exes. Especially if you’re on a first date, bringing up past relationships is an instant conversation killer. It sounds obvious but you’d be  surprised how easy it is to accidentally mention exes.

#10 Pay Attention Sending the first message to a woman you've met online can feel incredibly daunting – even if you’ve matched with each other. Even after you shoot your best shot, the woman can often leave you hanging and never bother to reply. Increase your chances of starting a real conversation by taking the time to check out her photos and bio.