Top 10

 Black Men’s Beard Styles


Full Beard Style


A full beard style is the most common and classic beard style for African-American men. The hair grows freely on the cheeks, jawline, and chin in full beard style, making dense hair coverage.

The Five O'clock Beard


The Five O'clock beard gives black men a classy, simple, and natural look and is characterized by a 1-2 millimeters subtle appearance after several hours of shaving.

The Goatee Beard Style


It is one of the most trending and elegant beard styles for black men now. It holds significant esteem, particularly in professional environments, where it's highly regarded.

The Carved Beard


This style elaborates patterns paired with a precisely sculpted contour. Perfecting the shape and contours takes dedication, artistic talent, and some barbering skills.

The Moustache


This style draws attention to the longer hairs in the beard that stop at the mustache. You trim your mustache less frequently to give it more density to get this effect. 

The Circular Beard


This form of beard for black guys are based on the concept of creating a thin and short beard strip along the beard. Beginning from the ears, it travels across the jawline and ends at the goatee. 

Bushy Beard


The bushy beard style gives a bold and classy look that suits any black man. It involves thick beard hair with v-shaped corners and a distinct mustache. The beard can be trimmed to balance your looks.

The Stubble Beard


This is one of the beard styles that creates a lovely and carefree look for black men. All it needs from you – is a few days a week to keep it in shape and manageable texture. 

The Sculpted Beard


To achieve this kind of look, it is essential to determine the contours using a manual razor or a precision trimmer. In addition, it should be maintained daily. 



When the cheek lines are lowered, it helps create a more apparent jawline. When you cut the neckline, keep it high; otherwise, you will start creeping into chinstrap territory, which is only where you want to be if you are a rapper from the early 2000s.