Today, I'm going to be teaching you how to tie a scarf and we're going to be talking in particular about the Ascot and the once-around Ascot knot.
The Ascot knot sounds fancier and probably harder than what it really is.
It's a very simple knot in which you can start with at least a medium-length scarf, something that's at least 50 inches in length.
The thing with the ascot is you should have a little bit of a bulkier scarf, something with a bit of feel.
You don't want to be using a silk scarf necessarily for this. It's going to look a little bit too feminine.
How To Tie An Ascot Knot
How to tie it: Take the scarf and lay it over your shoulders. Take both ends of the scarf, and tie them “over-and-under,” as if you were starting to do up a giant pair of shoelaces. Adjust the front to be a bit smooth and tighten closer to the neck as desired.
You can wear it under the overcoat, so go ahead and open up your overcoat and slip it right in there. I like a looser knot. So that is how to tie an Ascot knot.
Double Ascot or the Wraparound Ascot
We're going to go around the neck first but to do that, we're going to need a longer scarf. The double ascot, you've got to have a scarf that's around 72 inches in length. It depends on your build, but I need one that's around 72 inches.
If you've seen my once around tutorial, we're going to do the same exact knot. Well, a little bit probably too much of a contrast there, but this is a double-sided scarf with a grey and a navy on one color. I would probably adjust this a bit.
You can see where I like this knot because it does a great job with a wraparound, of covering the neck. In addition, you get a little bit of a knot here that adds a little bit of flair to the dress.
But at the same time, we're focusing on function first, and then the look second, so go with a wide variety of colors. I think this knot works really well if you've got a longer scarf with a little bit of color in it.
If you want to wear a silk scarf, you can do that as well but with this type of look, we're going less for warmth. Also, you don't want this too tight so loosen it and adjust it.
Alright. So that is the Ascot knot and the Wraparound or the Double Ascot. If you have any questions, I will see you in the comments. Otherwise, make sure to check out my other posts. We've got quite a few out there. I wish you the best and I'll see you in the next post!
Want more? Click here to discover how to tie a manly scarf 10 different ways.